Alternative therapies 101

Discover optimal well-being We’re at a pivotal time in the wellness world. As we gain greater consciousness of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, many of us are embracing alternative lifestyle practices, healing modalities, and technologies. Growing evidence shows the benefit of alternative therapies. As a naturopathic doctor, I’ve seen the remarkable changes that..

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Budget-friendly and high-protein

Recipes for rising food costs “Ouch” is a common word now heard at the checkout counter. Food costs are soaring, and it hurts. That’s why you’ll want an assist from these recipes that showcase budget-friendly protein foods that can help you get a meal on the table for less. Anytime Egg and Bean Casserole For..

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Nurture your self-awareness

Tap into your hidden potential Most of us can describe ourselves reasonably well, including our strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. But a recent Harvard Health study concluded that only 10 to 15 percent of their research group knew themselves as well as they believed they did. Let’s see what we can do to shift that,..

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Reboot your wellness routine

It’s the perfect time of year For many, September represents a fresh start—in school, work, and a new season. This makes it the perfect time of year to revamp our wellness routines to better align with the needs of our bodies and minds. A new season This coming fall season demands different wellness supports, says..

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Beat the relentless cold

End the cycle It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that promotes respiratory and immune health. There are some simple things you can do to help avoid getting colds: Treating the relentless cold If your suffering seems unending, consult a physician to determine whether other opportunistic infections, such as bronchitis or ear or sinus infections,..

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