You can protect biodiversity

Saving soil and ocean health now and for the future Land and sea may seem like opposites, but the two are intricately connected. What happens on land, especially with our soils, has an impact on the health of our oceans, and it’s imperative to the well-being of all living things that both are treated carefully…

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The rainbow test

Color your menu! Does your meal pass the rainbow test? What’s the rainbow test, you ask? Check out the colors on your plate—when it comes to fruits and veggies, the brighter the colors, the more nutrient dense your meal is. Try out these recipes—and you’ll pass the rainbow test with flying colors! Beautiful Rainbow Prawn..

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Can’t stomach it?

How to manage food allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity We often misuse the terms food allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity in conversation. Knowing what type of food reaction you’re experiencing is key for making appropriate dietary choices that address the underlying problem and foster overall health long term. Food allergy Food allergy is a pathological immune reaction..

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Slow down!

It’s time for reflection and a fresh start Springtime is the perfect opportunity to start fresh by consciously pausing to rest, reflect, and recalibrate. Create space for quiet time and make the most of it. Here’s how. Back to basics Take several deep conscious breaths and reflect on your Notice where you may be out..

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Find your path toward well-being

Purpose, power, and physical health Often when we begin to reflect on the metaphysical questions in life, including “what’s my purpose?” we undervalue the role of physical health in the journey. But having the healthiest body possible allows us to more easily grow and stretch in other areas of life. Here are some key focus..

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A day of nourishment

Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, solved Medical advice around the topic of detox suggests we avoid diets or restrictive time-limited measures in favor of drinking plenty of water, avoiding overconsumption of sugary foods, and choosing foods every day that are high in fiber and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These are the same nutritious,..

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How to embrace healthy aging

Choose proactivity As we journey through life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the myriad minor age-related ailments that seem to crop up as we get older. Many of us may accept these issues as part and parcel of the aging process. However, fostering resilience and taking preventive steps can help us manage and even..

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Connect with nature this March

Embrace the season and find joy Ask anyone what their least favorite month is and chances are March will be high on the list. Depending on what the weather throws at us, it can be more bleak than blossom, our doors still shut though we’re itching to bust them wide open. If winter feels like..

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Retire intentionally

Life has prepared you for this The word retirement can elicit a variety of emotional responses and images. Regardless of whether you yearn for it, cringe at the thought of it, or realize you haven’t yet considered it, read on to get your creative juices flowing―this is a change in life that can be leveraged to your..

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The new work-life balance

Find your balance and purpose In 2025, the lines between work and life are blurrier than ever. Corporate offices try to be more like homes, complete with lounges, snacks, and casual wear. Meanwhile, your home might look increasingly like an office these days, set with a desk and swivel chair. Work to live, or live..

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