Frosted in white

Delicious (and nutritious!) white foods There’s no need to shy away from white foods. Not only are many white foods nutritional powerhouses but they are also widely available. These five recipes are full of vital nutrients, versatile in their presentation, delicious, and easily accessible in wintertime. They will help you rediscover white foods in ways..

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Set yourself up for success

How to make better New Year’s resolutions Is resolution-setting a thing of the past? No way. Don’t give up on setting New Year’s resolutions. But this year, do it the right way! Push goals “Push goals are the ones you have to push yourself to do; for example, going to the gym after work,” says..

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Supporting your body’s detox processes

The basics and beyond Daily living exposes us and our environment to an increasing number of foreign chemicals and byproducts, often called xenobiotics. But our body is equipped with a complex system of detoxification processes that work to expel these foreign substances. Supporting this amazing system is key to good health. What are xenobiotics? The..

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Avoid the achiever’s dilemma

Find success … and time to enjoy it Years ago, I observed that life should come with an owner’s manual, and that I didn’t get mine! It felt as if I was dropped into a game and was supposed to figure it out on my own. Eventually, I discovered that I was not alone in..

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Give yourself a life detox!

Follow through on your healthy living goals A healthy lifestyle is an accumulation of small actions that add up to vitality and longevity. Sometimes we know what changes we need to make in our lives but have a hard time getting around to doing them. And sometimes we know we need changes but aren’t clear..

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A winter solstice feast

Boost your mood and celebrate nature’s wonder At the time of the year when we need it most, these recipes inspired by nature’s bounty are rich in mood-boosting nutrients, to help you celebrate the return of the sun. Spicy Poached Eggs with Spinach and Yogurt This homage to the sun plays out visually as well..

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Come home—to yourself!

Find ease this holiday season Most cultures and religions have significant days or periods in the calendar year; in this part of the world, several converge in the late December/early January period. Winter solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s are some of them. This is potentially challenging, given the possibility for competing demands, conflicting..

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Listen to the rainbow

Color noise for focus and calm Even if you’ve never purposefully listened to white noise, or other color noises, you’re likely familiar with its sound. Whirring fans, humming refrigerators, staticky radios, pitter-pattering rain, roaring waterfalls—these are all forms of color noise, or what we call sound that is distributed with a continuous signal. Listening to..

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The renaissance of rest

How to slow down When is the last time you truly rested? As the year draws to a close and a new one is set to begin, let’s recommit to rest. According to registered clinical counselor Laura Henderson, rest refers to the act of giving our bodies and minds a break from constant stimuli. “Our society’s ‘hustle..

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How stress affects our bodies…

…and what we can do about it We tend to think of stress as a bad thing, and that’s certainly fair considering how many chronic diseases and mental health issues are stress related. But we often fail to distinguish between sources of stress and the body’s response to those stressors. In doing so, we downplay..

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